Advanced Google Analytics
& Facebook Pixel Setup
in 10 Minutes


Get the ready-made setup bundle and save 30+ hours of work.

Get deep insights into user behavior. → Optimize Google Ads & Facebook campaigns effectively.

Track not just page views. →  Get to know user interactions.

E-mail Link Clicks

Track e-mail clicks as events. Everywhere & Automatically.

Phone Number Clicks

Track conversions.

Track taps or clicks on phone numbers.

File Downloads

Discover users interested in downloadable content (PDF, XLS, DOC etc.). Remarket them via Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

Youtube Video Plays

Discover the value of your video content.

How much of your video is viewed?


Scroll Tracking

Have single page website or long page with sections?
Discover what users scroll to the different sections/parts of a page.

Outgoing Link Clicks

Linking to other websites?
Track all link clicks to different domains.

Copy to Clipboard

Engaged with your content? Do users copy text of your website?

Facebook Pixel Tracking

Track all users' behavior to Facebook and create advanced remarketing audiences.

Easily customizable to fit your website…

Multi-language Support

Switch the language of messages/events sent to Google Analytics & Facebook.

→ Learn more

Custom Click Tracking

Track clicking on a specific button, link etc.

→ Learn more

Custom Events Ready

Track form submissions or any other user’s action.

→ Learn more

+ Facebook Pixel Advanced Tracking

Track users’ behavior automatically with Facebook Pixel events.

Optimize your remarketing campaigns and get website performance data based on users’ behavior.

Facebook Pixel

Advanced Facebook Pixel Tracking is built in. 

Just enter your Facebook ID.

Lead Event

All e-mail and phone link clicks are automatically tracked as a Lead.

ViewContent Event

File download clicks and Outgoing link clicks are tracked as ViewContent. 

You can distinguish every single file or link to create custom audiences.


We track these users’ interactions too:

  • scrolling
  • Youtube video play
  • custom events

as a CustomEvent.

Buy the Advanced Analytics Setup Bundle

  • $96 / Unlimited websites
  • One payment – Lifetime license.
  • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) & Facebook Advanced tracking
  • Free bonus: Reporting Bundle ($48 value)

This product is deprecated (includes Universal Analytics).



30-days Money Back Guarantee

No questions asked.

Free Bonus

You get Reporting Bundle free (value $48).


Instant Access

You get the setup & reporting bundle immediately upon payment.


Secure Payment

100% secure payment guaranteed by our technology partner – Gumroad payment system.